If you've ever thought about owning your own operation, we're here to help.

Are you a farming family member but don’t have the down payment to buy in or buy out your family? Concerned about the down payment? A Farm Service Agency (FSA) Beginning Farm Loan in conjunction with FFB may be just what you need!

To access the beginning farm loans checklist, provide your name, email, and the city and state where you live.  

If you’d like us to call you to answer other questions/discuss further, please provide your number and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Please complete the reCAPTCHA challenge

The Farm Service Agency’s Beginning Farm Loan Program* is geared for those who:

  • Have at least 3 years of experience on the business side of a farm;
  • Substantially participate in the day-to-day operations of a farm;
  • Have operated a farm for less than 10 years;
  • Don’t currently own a farm that is larger than 30% of the average farm in your county; and,
  • Meet the loan eligibility requirements.  

Working in conjunction with FSA loans, FFB helps with two lending approaches:  

  • The Down Payment Program: 5% down with 45/50 Joint Financing between FSA and First Financial Bank or,
  • 50/50 Joint Financing: split between FSA and First Financial Bank. 

* Note: Priority funding is available for socially disadvantaged applicants.